Friday, May 8, 2020

The Criminal Justice System and its Corrections Essay

The criminal justice system is composed of four categories: law enforcement, legal counsel, courts, and corrections. I am going to focus on one of these subjects and the problems or issues that are within the corrections part of criminal justice usually refers to the events that occur after being sentenced in a court of law. During the past few decades many problems have arisen in this area, solutions have been discussed and put into use over the years as well. However, there are still problems that are being dealt with in today’s corrections. One problem that is faced in the corrections system today is overpopulation in the prisons. Prisons all over the United States are becoming overcrowded and that leads to many other problems such as†¦show more content†¦(Stelloh, 2013) Many programs have been initiated to help the problems of overcrowding and negligence. These include education, rehabilitation programs, work-release programs, and other preventative measures. Numerous education programs are offered to inmates. Some prisons even mandate the completion of a GED if the offender never finished high school. Many colleges in the prison’s community partner together with each other to enable higher learning as a possibility for offenders to obtain college credit. These services help inmates succeed in an inmate’s preparation to reintegrate into society with less chances of being arrested again. Offenders that are more prepared to leave prison are not as likely to commit a crime which improves the safety of the public and also saves money from taxpayers. (Office of Vocational Adult Education, 2009) Vocational programs are offered along with educational programs in many prisons. Vocational programs consist of training inmates different trades and teach skills that will benefit the inmate upon their release. Learning how to build something out of wood inside a workshop and learning how to repair a car are both types of vocational programming. Job training and apprenticeships in areas such as carpentry and electrical skills areShow MoreRelatedCorrections and the Criminal Justice System1166 Words   |  5 PagesCorrections describes the punishment of offenders for the crimes they have committed. Corrections does not always mean punishment; in the United States they expect their inmates to read the bible to reflect on their wrongdoings. In the criminal justice system there are three major components: police, courts, and corrections. The police investigate crimes and arrest suspects handing over the evidence and investigative information to the court system. Prosecutors determine wh ether a crime has beenRead MoreCorrections And The Criminal Justice System2445 Words   |  10 PagesCorrections Corrections is a component of the criminal justice system and refers to the array of programs, services, facilities and organizations responsible for managing offenders or those who have been accused of committing a crime. 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